At Charlottesville Solutions we strive to help our clients find the perfect home. The name home is used very widely, some might call it a house.
I have heard them described as a house being a building or structure in which one lives, where a home is the place one lives with a family.
A few other names for a home are:
abode, address, apartment, asylum, boarding house, bungalow, cabin, castle, cave, co-op, commorancy, condo, condominium, cottage, crash pad, diggings, digs, domicile, dormitory, dump, dwelling, farm, fireside, flat, habitation, hangout, haunt, hearth, hideout, hole in the wall, home plate, homestead, hospital, house, hut, joint, living quarters, manor, mansion, nest, orphanage, pad, palace, parking place, place, residence, resort, roof, rooming house, roost, shanty, shelter, trailer, turf, villa
We just like to call it a home and that is why we have a “Home” as our logo.