As REALTORS®, we get asked many questions by Buyers. We’re happy to help answer as many as we can, ones like: how old is the roof on a house, or does it use gas or electrical heat? Your Solutions agent can tell you pretty much anything you need to know about a home you’re hoping […]
Questions Buyers should be asking their Agents
Here at Solutions, we get asked lots of questions by clients in their search for their dream home. Because of Equal Housing Laws, there are some we’re prevented by law from answering, but there are a number of answers we can find out or sources we can point you towards to look up the info […]
Why use a Buyer’s Agent to Help With Your Home Purchase?
For most Americans, a home is the most significant and costly purchase they’ll make in their lifetime, with significant financial and emotional ramifications for the parties involved. Having proper representation, therefore, is critical. In this economy, and with ever greater access to the Internet, it’s easy to see why many people are looking to cut costs […]
First-time Homebuyers
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “first-time homebuyer?” Chances are you think of a couple fresh out of college and starting new jobs. Did you know that a first-time homebuyer means anyone who has not bought a home in three years? Yes, you heard that right. This can apply to anyone, whether […]
Buying New Construction? An Experienced Real Estate Agent is a Must on Your Side
When a Charlottesville area buyer wants to go the new construction route there are several factors to consider. While an existing house can be inspected and everything is already in view, it can be difficult to picture exactly what you think you’re going to get with a brand new home. Sometimes, what you see in […]
What is an “Escalation Clause” and when would a Buyer want to use it?
Here at Solutions, we recommend that our Buyers get pre-qualified with a local Charlottesville lender so they can be ready to move quickly as soon as that “just right” house hits the market. What is an Escalation Clause? This leads us to the question of the escalation clause, which is defined as “a real estate contract, […]
Looking for a Charlottesville Home during Christmas
Most agents and people will report that the real estate market is slow during the holidays. This is generally true, but what I do find is that people who are looking are serious. This is because people spending their limited time, during Christmas, to shop for homes are typically not just browsing. So what is […]
James Friend Dickerson joins Charlottesville Solutions
Good news travels fast and having James Friend Dickerson join us at Charlottesville Solutions is certainly good news! Jim is a wonderful addition to Solutions as he brings years of experience and exceptional customer service. A native of Central Virginia, James lived in Charlottesville, Albemarle, and Louisa Counties before heading to Virginia Tech to study Forestry […]
Becky Crowe and Gibson Homes join Solutions
I promised you a surprise from Solutions and we are very excited to announce that Becky Crowe has joined Charlottesville Real Estate Solutions. Many people know Becky as not only an exceptional agent and advocate for her clients, but also as the representative for Gibson Homes in Charlottesville. Having a background in new construction gives […]
First meeting with Charles in Charlottesville
As my clients know I love the Charlottesville area and I love showing Charlottesville Real Estate and Homes to my clients. A lot of factors go into the decision to relocate to a new area and one thing I have learned is that no two clients are alike in this regard. If time permits, we will […]
Use a local Charlottesville Buyers Agent

When looking to buy a home in Charlottesville, or any area for that matter, logic dictates that you use a highly skilled local Charlottesville buyers agent. However, I see so many people go against this logic. So let’s look at why. A Local Charlottesville Buyers Agent Knows The Market This just makes good sense. Most Buyers […]
A Charlottesville Home Buyer speaks out
Charles, Just wanted to let you know that we finally have a contract on our Fairfax house. Rob and I were really missing your technical expertise throughout the contract process — our realtor e-mailed me the contract, then I had to print it out to sign and scan it to e-mail it back, and every […]
Where is Charles?
You may have noticed an uncharacteristic lack of blogging on my part over the last week … there is a good reason for that. I am dictating this post for my wife to type from my hospital bed at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville Virginia, where I am recovering from an unexpected surgery. Last Monday […]