For many people, the town of Crozet is really not very big.
I often hear from people who are visiting that say “we are driving out to Crozet”. I have mixed thoughts when I hear that. First, I love Crozet but to me it is more of a feeling that a place. Second, I think people expect to find a small town and it is not really that big, but it is growing and has new developments.
Sure there are a few restaurants, a store, a post office, a new library and even a train but Crozet is more about the feeling and the area at the base of the Blue Ridge.
Here is an example, when you drive under the train tracks of many places you see graffiti. In Crozet here is what you will see:
I love the fact that where (in some towns) you might see graffiti, in Crozet you see Art!
You may not see more than a few buildings in a couple of blocks when you visit Crozet, but if you look closer, you will see what it is all about…
I love Crozet, you will too!
Here is another photo I took under the railway crossing